dimanche 29 juin 2008


Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Pregnancy: A Practical GuidePublisher: Cambridge University Press 2007-06-11 ISBN: 0521694744 Pages:414 PDF 1.5 MBBook Description:A thoroughly updated edition of this well-established practical guide to obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia originally published by W. B. Saunders.All aspects of obstetric medicine relevant to the anaesthetist are covered, from conception, throughout pregnancy, to after birth care.The emphasis is on pre-empting problems and maximising quality of care.The authors have identified over 150 potential complications each covered in two sections: issues raised and management options, with key points extracted into boxes forquick reference. A section on organisational aspects such as record keeping, training,protocols and guidelines makes this an important resource for any labour ward or hospitaldealing with pregnant women. Presented in a clear, structured format, this book will be invaluable to trainee anaesthetists at all levels and to experienced anaesthetists who encounter obstetric patients.Obstetricians, neonatologists, midwives, nurses and operating departmentpractitioners wishing to extend or update their knowledge will also find it highly beneficial
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mardi 10 juin 2008

Echocardiography - A Practical Guide for Reporting, 2nd Ed

Helen Rimington, John Chambers
Publisher: Informa Healthcare
Number Of Pages: 160
Publication Date: 2007-07-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1841846341

Echocardiography: A Practical Guide for Reporting, Second Edition

An easy-to-use, color illustrated handbook of protocols for writing clinically relevant electrocardiography reports, this ready reference is principally organized around clearly presented lists, bullet points, tables, and figures. A practical, user-friendly work, key areas covered include: · echocardiography for left ventricular systolic function, left ventricular diastolic function, and patterns in cardiomyopathy · echocardiography in myocardial infarction, aortic valve disease, mitral valve disease, prosthetic valves, the right heart including pulmonary pressures, the aorta, adult congenital disease, pericardial effusion, and other requests · the organization of an electrocardiography report and how to give normal ranges for cardiac dimensions, great vessel peak velocities, and replacement heart valves · a summary of formulae, examples of conditions requiring urgent clinical advice, and a section on further readings. Giving step-by-step advice about what to look for and how to interpret abnormal findings, this important reference includes tables, line diagrams, and Doppler recordings to help clarify the text, thus ensuring that it is a highly useful resource for those in the field.
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french editions :

Un facile à utiliser, colore le manuel illustré des protocoles pour rédiger médicalement des rapports appropriés d'électrocardiographie, cette référence prête est principalement organisé autour des listes, des gros points noirs, des tables, et des figures clairement présentés. Un travail pratique et facile à utiliser, zones clé couvertes incluent : · échocardiographie pour la fonction systolique ventriculaire gauche, laissée la fonction diastolique ventriculaire, et les modèles en cardiomyopathie · échocardiographie dans l'infarctus du myocarde, la maladie de valve aortique, la maladie de valvule mitrale, les valves prosthétiques, le bon coeur comprenant des pressions pulmonaires, l'aorte, la maladie congénitale adulte, l'effusion péricardique, et autre demandes · l'organisation d'un rapport d'électrocardiographie et comment donner les gammes normales pour des dimensions cardiaques, de grandes vitesses de crête de navire, et des valves de coeur de rechange · un résumé des formules, des exemples des conditions exigeant le conseil clinique pressant, et d'une section sur d'autres lectures. Donnant des conseils étape-par-étape au sujet de quoi rechercher et de la façon interpréter des résultats anormaux, cette référence importante inclut les tables, la ligne diagrammes, et les enregistrements de Doppler pour aider à clarifier le texte, de ce fait s'assurant que c'est une ressource fortement utile pour ceux dans le domaine. Pdocument words l 3.7 mb l aucun passage

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mardi 3 juin 2008

Forensic DNA Analysis (Inside Forensic Science)

Most of the people joining the forensic field already have a substantial background in biology/chemistry. The 2/3 of the book is a lame attempt to explain the basics of genetics. If you ever have had genetic course, you will skip the first 2/3. If your major is in art or business, you still need to read something more substantial about genetic inheritance. The only part of the book going in the depth of Forensic DNA analysis is a chapter about paternity testing, but... The author of that chapter could not adequately explain how to calculate the probability of inheritance of a genetic locus/marker from alleged father for Paternity Index calculation. The "explanation" in that chapter clearly shows that author DOSE NOT UNDERSTAND the Paternity Index calculation.
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